Cultural Actions

Transmit lyrical art to younger generations
One of the missions of Lyrique-en-mer is to transmit lyrical art to younger generations. Each year, new cultural mediation actions are put in place, aiming to connect audiences with lyrical artistic offerings.
An ambitious project to transmit and learn the Bellilois repertoire began in November at the Salle Arletty. Supervised by their music teacher Solenn Le Berre, the 63 students from collège Michel Lotte who have chosen the choir option work every fortnight with professional artists: Jazmin Black-Grollemund (opera singer and choir director) and Aurélien Daniélo (musician, singer and choir director).
The project consists of giving new youth to Bellilois songs through new harmonizations for mixed choir, written by Aurélien Daniélo.
A first performance will be reserved for school audiences and two free concerts for all audiences will take place on May 31 and June 1 in the Arletty room.

In the past, the "Tous musiciens d'orchestre" program and the promotion of choral singing in secondary schools has led to Lyrique-en-mer's long-standing partnership with the French choral societies. children from Belle-Ile schools, recorded in article 4 of the statutes, testifying to the invaluable educational experience that the opportunity to sing on stage in an opera with professionals represents for Bellilois children (for example Tosca in 2018).

Concert for our younger spectators 2019

Young audience concert 2022
Towards the so-called "impeded" public, a social and solidarity involvement is more and more requested from the artists because music helps to live... A partnership is now contractualized between Lyrique-en-mer and the hospital of Belle-Ile and its associated living places.

Concert at Belle-Ile hospital 2022

2020 Concert at the Belle-Ile hospital
The "Venez Chanter" day will be the fourth group participation concert of Lyrique-en-mer. Soloists, young artists and 150 choristers will sing excerpts from opera choruses, accompanied by the festival orchestra conducted by Philip Walsh. This fraternal and vibrant sharing of artistic, human and spiritual values enhances everyone's contribution to cultural life, and is a unique experience in making music a common heritage.
Since 2014 preferential ticket rates are available to permanent residents of Belle Isle to enable easy access to the concerts. This measure concerns between 1/5 and 1/4 of the total number of spectators. In 2020, Lyrique-en-Mer initiated the pre-recorded screening of the 2019-2020 Metropolitan Opera season (tickets 12€ and 15€) at the Rex cinema in Le Palais and also screens, free of charge to the public, “Opéra sur Écran(s)” (Opera on Screen(s)) with Puccini’s Madam Butterfly being shown on 16th June live from the Opera House in Rennes.
Lyrique-en-mer's membership of the Federation of Classical Music Festivals of Bretagne reinforces its regional affiliation and the opportunities for collaboration and sharing with other musical events in the area.
The stability of a controlled economic model (one opera and one church music work played each 4 or 5 times a year, plus an academy of 15 Young Artists) allows the development of complementary and qualitative "small forms": "Come and sing", various other concerts, recitals at the EHPAD and the FAM... It is a structuring and significant element with long-lasting public partnerships, and a constant and necessary search to enlarge the circle of individual donors, sponsors and patrons.
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