Since the start of the school year in September, around ten children aged 7 to 12 have discovered the joy of singing in a choir. Jazmin, through her caring pedagogy, transmits the basics of singing technique with infectious enthusiasm. The weekly workshops start with body work which allows you to adopt the right posture, to acquire the automatisms of anchoring, concentration and breathing. Then the session continues with exercises in listening, diction, voice, nuances, etc. To end with learning and rehearsing the repertoire. For the first workshop restitution, during the New Year's concert, the children will sing in several languages (English, French, Arabic, Hebrew, etc.). Beyond technique, the choral singing workshop allows you to develop respect for others, team spirit, patience, listening to yourself and others, confidence, daring to sing in front of others and of course the pleasure of singing together!
The Choral Singing workshop is open to children aged 8 to 12. The sessions take place at Palais – Salle du Ponant – on Wednesdays 10, 17, 24 and 31 May – Wednesday 7, 14, 20 and Thursday 21 June.
The contribution is €50 per quarter (€30/term for the 2nd child) plus €10 annual membership.
Info and contact: Isabelle Virloget
Registration by email:
or online: click on the button below
Choral singing course summer 2022